When I was at university, I became a part of an ever expanding movement of people who looked through the so-called looking glass at what the sinister, insidious and draconian powers-that-be are doing in order subjugate the masses. This active interest took me into a labyrinth of ideas, personalities and paranoia. These ideas were filled with  tales informing those who were prepared to listen that, they are being manipulated to believe a lie and that the world is run by a consortium of part man, part lizard Zionists who have harnessed a higher state of consciousness by utilizing ancient esoteric techniques and ultimately want to bring the entire world under their submission.

Now, the ideas above may seem a little wacky and also a tad discriminatory towards a particular minority, (lizards) which only seeks to attach a feeling of belligerence toward a people who have had a fair share of hatred aimed at them over the years and more worryingly, there is a large community of people that genuinely believe some of these things may actually be true which does in turn perpetuate anti Semitic rhetoric.

The lizard theory is also a very famous one, propagated by one of the prophets of conspiracy theories and former Coventry City goalkeeper, David Icke.

After taking an interest in these theories and conducting research into various ‘secret’ organizations such as the Illuminati and the Masons, I found that a lot of what I came across made a lot of sense. There was a strange logic to their paranoia that, rather frighteningly, lured me in to this world and I searched sights, message boards and watched videos in a desperate attempt to search for the ‘truth.’ I became a paranoid, tetchy advocate of these theories and my time in pubs and clubs weren’t spent typically in the throes of some shameful drunken embrace but rather discussing the role the Illuminati are playing in the world today or whether Tom Cruise is related to Adolf Hitler who was in turn a direct descendant of Xenu.

I am now, quite contentedly, a recovering addict and attend regular meetings at the outreach group, funded by the NHS (which probably means somewhere along the credit trail, the Masons have provided the cash), commonly known as Conspiracy Theorist Anonymous or CTA for those lovers of acronyms.

I have reached a point where I am tired of hearing about these fucking theories. People talk to me about new technologies that are being suppressed in order for the Illuminati or some such ‘secret’ society to obtain political gain and that this, that, and the other, are agents of masons, or the media use subliminal messages to get into our mind. Well, I’ve got news for you folks, subliminal messaging has been evidenced to not actually work!

I firmly believe in personal cultivation and being aware of the potential pitfalls that reside in current occidental society but when I hear people making these wild accusations as if they have some kind of insider info, I just want to tell them to shut the fuck up and start taking action over their own lives instead of getting lost in some kind of maniacal, schizophrenic reverie. They’ve read a few articles and instantly take it for fact without question so they have replaced one oppressive ideology with another except now, they are a little more aware of it. Awareness is fine but when you start spending all of your time, rifling through conspiracy sites, you start to lose touch with reality and the alienation begins. If you genuinely care so much and are prepared to invest such a significant amount of your life to this ‘research’ then I suggest you get up off of your arse and start doing something about it, but if you are the kind of person who just likes to be ‘in the know’ with these things, kindly keep your paranoia to yourselves and impart knowledge that is more worthwhile and progressive.

It just annoys me that people spend so much time looking into these theories and when I ask them what do they plan to do with this new found information, most people give me a look as if to say, ‘fuck all.’

I do feel I also need to clarify that I do think there is some sinister forces at work and some theories do have some legitimacy that could be worthwhile for debate but once you get involved, there just seems to be an ever-ending rabbit hole of half truths and outright fantasies from people who have absolutely no legitimate qualifications to produce such theories and it just shocks me how quickly people are to believe these ideas without a moments thought.

We are truly living in the age of the idiot.

Published by feral84

A thoughtful, capricious and, at times, melancholic thirty-something dedicated to personal cultivation and searching for meaning amidst the sadness. Hilarious irl.


  1. Rh negative blood type gives humans traits that lizards have. An extra vertabrae in the spine.A different skull, lower blood pressure. High IQ, blue or green eyes, red or blonde hair. They are not talking about being a lizard with a fake human face. Theyre talking about the genetic traits of the Rh negative bloodline. All Royals and ancient pharoahs have it Like qween elizabeth.

    The “illuminati” is 13 families that started the central bank in london and also run the USA’s federal reserve bank. Thats the 1% everyones talking about. Those 13families are trillionairs.

    Our taxes go to them. The IRS is their collection agency.

    Simple. They musta not explained it to you correctly.

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